...stared into the distance for a long time? Thinking in a thing and ending in another? Have you ever closed your eyes and listened to music, paying attention to each note, each word of the lyrics, each single silence of the song? Have you ever dreamt you can fly? Have you ever stared at people and make stories in your mind? Have you ever laid on the grass, floor, cement... whatever and looked at the clouds? Have you ever shoot the moon and come back within some minutes? When you're in the bus in your way home, in your car trapped in the traffic, have you ever stared out of the window? Have you ever been so sad you run out of tears? Have you ever watched the sky at the night? Have you ever seen the rain? Have you even gone out when it is raining? Feel the drops oh your face? Have you ever lost in your thoughts? Have you ever lost someone? Have you ever thought of all this?